Соревнования по боулдерингу на Украине

The First International tournament on bouldering
March, 3-5 rd, 2005

1. The purposes

The First International tournament on bouldering, in the further Tournament, is spent with the purpose:

- the further development of the kind of sports and its popularization in the state;

- increase of a level of skill of sportsmen;

2. Terms and a place of holding of Tournament

Tournament will be held from March, 3 till March, 5th, 2006 in c.Ukrainka, the Kiev region, UKRAINE

3. The management of holding of Tournament

The management and the organization of holding of Tournament will be held by Mountaineering and Climbing Federation of Ukraine. Direct holding of Tournament is assigned to Federation of alpinists and rock-climbers of Kiev region (president Pechiy Artur), in the further the Federation, and the Jury President.

The Federation recommends the Jury President of Tournament who is approved by Mountaineering and Climbing Federation of Ukraine.

4. Methods of a safety during holding of Tournament

The Responsibility for execution of safety requirements according to the order of State Department of Sports from 19.02.04 #496 during holding of Tournament is assigned to the Federation and the Jury President of Tournament.

5. Participants of Tournament

To participation in Tournament are supposed sportsmen:

- Ukraine: 10 men and 10 women coordinated with the senior trainer of a climbing team of Ukraine;

- Foreign sportsmen who have taken 1-20 place according to the final world ranking for 2005 and according to results of the World championship;

- Under the decision of Federation to participation in Tournament can be invited other leading sportsmen of a national and world level.

6. Conditions of holding of the competition

It’s an individual competition.

Tournament is spent to two stages: qualification round and the final round.


- to individual result in qualification are accepted passage of five problems;

- After passage of each problem a sportsman has time for rest which is equal to time allocated for passage of a problem;

- for passage of a problem 6 minutes are given;

- the beginning and the end of time of rotation is notified by a precise and loud signal;

- one minute prior to the termination of time established for attempt the warning signal moves;

- the participant during climbing can touch a crash pad, but can’t use it;

- attempt is considered ended in case of returning to the ground or the termination of a limit of time;

- attempt is considered begun when all parts of a body of the sportsman have come off the ground;

- after end of qualification participants are ranged as follows:

1. Quantity of successfully completed problems

2. Total of attempts on the passed problems

3. Total of the passed zones

4. Total of attempts on passage of zones


- the quota for participation in the final makes 6 participants;

- in case of, as result of presence of identical places on ranging in a qualifying round, the quota is exceeded, the number of the participants closest to the established quota will compete at the final round;

- the order of passage of problem is made by participants upside-down, according to results of qualification;

- the sportsman has three attempts for passage of a problem;

- time of acquaintance with a problem is 5 minutes. Acquaintance with a new problem for all sportsmen passes simultaneously;

- after each attempt the participant enables passages of a problem to other participants of the final. The second attempt is given only after participants of the final have made all on attempt.

The sportsman who has made attempt, should not see attempt of other participants of the final, but should be in a starting zone;

- the sportsman has 40 second period to begin passage of a problem. If for this time the sportsman has not begun attempt, attempt is considered completed and unsuccessful. The judge on a problem for 5 sec should warn the participant that it is necessary to begin attempt;

- after end of the final participants are ranged by following criteria:

1. Quantity of successfully completed problems

2. Total of attempts on the passed problems

3. Total of the passed zones

4. Total of attempts on passage of zones

- in case of concurrence of places results of qualification are considered;

- The superfinal is spent when it is impossible to define the winner. It is spent on one problem.

The order of starts is the same as well as in the final;

Questions which are not adjusted by the given rules, are resolved according to the ICC rules for 2005.

The main judge has the right to bring corrections under the order of carrying out of the Tournure if it does not contradict Rules and the order of holding of the Tournure, and will be coordinated with the Federation. These changes should be brought not later than 2 hours prior to the beginning of holding of the Tournure and all participants has to be informed.

7. Rewarding

Participants who have borrowed 1-6 places are awarded with monetary premiums and diplomas:

For men and women:

1 place - 1 500 euros

2 place - 1 200 euros

3 place - 1 000 euros

4 place - 600 euros

5 place - 450 euros

6 place - 300 euros

Under the decision of Federation the sum of monetary premiums can be changed aside increases. Participants can be awarded in addition under the decision of sponsors of competitions.

Прислал: Олег Черешнев, 07.02.2006
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